On March 25 ,2020, like there is a mysterious aura that connects the dates, Yannis Melas established Bel Air Web Radio and aired its first show. Covid19 has just showed its ugly face and as we say in Bel Air Radio when something bad happens, a good thing has just been born. High tech and Quality computers, transmitters, sound analyzers, impressive graphics and Yannis unbelievable music library are the keys to the fast and impressive start. Bel Air Web Radio, with a little help from our abroad same name friend, conquered the Web Frequencies and flourished with music devices and hearts worldwide. Due to the pandemic we had to stay home and avoid meeting with other people but this did not stop Bel Air Web Radio from broadcasting various music sets that were sent by the Top Thessaloniki Djs. It was a virtual studio, Djs contacted Yannis through the internet and the music sets that they conducted were placed on the Radio’s decks. Media pages such as Facebook and Instagram were prepared in no time by the staff and nights were the best times to work and prepare the media’s graphics.